A common thing you will find when doing titles in Cinestream is the need to generate a Copyright or Trademark symbol. Various methods of acieving this are provided below for both Windows and Mac OS.
If you are using Windows, you can use Character Map. You may have to install it from your Windows CD.
Basically, you hold down the
When you release ALT the symbol will appear.
The symbol codes vary from font to font but, for example, the copyright symbol code for Times New Roman is ALT+0169.
Not all programs will allow you to use the ALT + Number method but most do.
- John-Pierre M. Hannam, Sr.
You can also use the SYMBOL font and it is ALT+0227 to get a copyright symbol
- Kent
The other most popular one is ALT+0188 for a bullet.
- Jason Ahles
If you need a T (tm) it's ALT+0153
- Richard Podsada
In Word for Windows 2000, try Symbols in seventh row down to the far right and you will find the copyright symbol. Remember you can type titles in any word processor and then copy and paste the text into CineStream (it doesn't maintain the formatting though).
- DonjR
If you are using MS Works, look under insert for symbol you'll find the Copyright symbol there.
- Will England
The following shortcuts give you the required symbols (note the + sign denotes holding both keys down together, not pressing the plus key).
OPTION + g gives a copywrite symbol ©
OPTION + 2 gives a trademark symbol ª
OPTION + r gives you a registered symbol ¨
NOTE: this may vary from font to font, but I have tried it with Times New Roman, Times, Helvetica, and Arial, and they all work the same way to produce the above characters. A useful, but overlooked tool of MacOS up until v8.6 (I havenÕt upgraded to OS9 yet, so I donÕt know if it is still included in the newer OSÕ) is Key Caps. This little utility allows you to see what characters the keyboard is mapped out for, for a particular font, ...when you press the option key the little graphic of the keyboard changes to reflect the characters available for the various keys when option is held down, ...same for SHIFT, COMAND, CONTROL.
- Andrew Shanks
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