How do I Make a Star Wars Type Scrolling Title?

Submitted by Norbert Fuerst

Is there a way in EditDV to create a title effect similar to the crawling text at the beginning of the original Star Wars movie? It's the effect where the text crawl from bottom to top but then appears to recede into the distance.

Yes, EditDV can do this. You have to combine titling with PZR.


  1. Put the background on V1
  2. Add another video track - V2
  3. add two fx tracks to v2
  4. place your title to fx1 at v2 line length set to 720, initial position at 0 576, ending position 0 and the negative value of the height of your text. color the text as you like it...
  5. place a pzr fx to fx2 of v2 example settings: full size, center, rotate x about 30 degrees, perspective set at 5 You may play around with the settings, but the above is what you need basically.
In case you want a "fade out in eternity" you might want to place another titeling fx to fx3 with a background of black with a smooth border. Resize and place this background at the upper third of the screen, then use another fx track with luma keying to gradually obscure the text as it scrolls up.

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