Submitted by Carl Vandesande & Andrew Shanks
How to convert a frame of motion video to a still image file (6 techniques)
method 1:
From within Cinestream:
method 2:
Use PhotoDV to grab still image into Photoshop and save as whatever file format you wish (this app used to be bundled with some copies of EditDV as well as sold as a stand alone product by Digital Origin, note that M100 have stopped development of this application, is still a handy plugin to have for Photoshop though).
method 3:
method 4:
Use Quicktime Pro, load video clip into movieplayer, pause on the frame you wish to save as a still, and under the File Menu select Export then from the pop-up box in the file requestor, choose Movie To Picture.
method 5:
Use Quicktime (standard edition), load into movieplayer, pause on frame you want to save, select COPY from Edit Menu, load Photoshop (or it can be any image editing program), choose NEW from the file menu to create a new page, select PASTE from the Edit Menu.
method 6:
For Mac, display the chosen frame in the effects window. Take a snapshot to get maximum resolution. Perform the Apple OS key-sequence CMD-SHIFT-4. The cursor changes to a crosshair . Cut the picture in he effects window . The resulting pict goes as PICT.n on your harddisk.
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