(this is such a common question that I have reposted it here from the FAQ database. with a small addition or two, this is a great resource if you need to find answers quick, so check it out at this address: http://www.digitalorigin.com/Support/www )
ALSO NOTE: the below was written in regards to EditDV, with the release of CineStream the logfile now does NOT require the strange character in the first line, this makes things a lot easier if trying to make a logfile up in another application.
Q. What is the format of the batch capture log file?
A. A log file is a file generated by a 3rd party application. This is handy if you have someone logging tapes in the field on a laptop or just reviewing tapes before an edit, they can make a list of the shots they want off whichever tapes, enter this imformation in the logfile format (you don't even need a dedicated logging application, as long as you can generate a list in the following format, thats all Cinestream needs to generate a series of clips in a bin from which it can automatically batch capture them into your project
Sample file starts after next line
- - - - - - - - - -
EditDVª Batch List 1.5
Event count=7
Tape ID Name In Out Tracks Comments
Long Tape 1st Segment 00:00:04;29 00:09:04;29 VA1A2
Long Tape 2nd Segment 00:09:04;29 00:18:04;29 VA1A2
Long Tape 3rd Segment 00:18:04;29 00:27:04;29 VA1A2
Long Tape 4th Segment 00:27:04;29 00:36:04;29 VA1A2
Long Tape 5th Segment 00:36:04;29 00:45:04;29 VA1A2
Long Tape 6th Segment 00:45:04;29 00:54:04;29 VA1A2
Long Tape 7th Segment 00:54:04;29 00:59:59;29 VA1A2 Change this using Modify Log Entry
- - - - End of sample file
Note: the special character on the first line (ª) is important. If for some reason you are unable to copy/paste. You can create this character on a PC by holding down the Alt key while typing 0170 on the numeric keys.
Except for this explanatory text, it was created using Pipeline Digital's shot-logging utility, Autolog and modified with SimpleText to demonstrate new features of the 1.5 log format. See http://www.thepipe.com for more details about Autolog.
If you import this log file using "Import Log" (from the File menu), your current Bin will have all the logged clips required to capture a one-hour tape using EditDV's Batch Capture. This is useful if you have a lot of drive space (at least 13.5GB) and you prefer to log shots once they are on disk, or if you only need to perform a few edits on a long tape.
You may need to modify these logged clips to match the last frame on your tape, for example if your tape is a 40-minute Mini-DVCAM tape.
Make your adjustments using Modify Log Entry from the Edit menu. Be sure to set the Out point far enough from the last recorded frame to accomodate over-capture frames ("handles"). For example, if your last recorded frame is at 1:02:33;20 and you have your handles set to the default value of 15 frames, set the out point of "7thSegment" to 1:02:33;05. The last frame actually recorded by EditDV will then be the last recorded frame on the tape.
The number of over-capture frames can be set in the Capture Preferences dialog.
Once running the batch capture, you can select all of the captured clips (by shift-clicking each clip in the Bin in numeric order) and drag them all at once into the Sequencer. They will be laid end-to-end in the sequencer frame-accurately, as if you had captured the entire tape and cut it directly into the program.
Or, you can scrub through each nine-minute clip in the Source window and make Secondaries of all of the useful shots from the tape (by setting in and out points and dragging the Source video to the Bin).
After you edit your project from these secondaries, you can create a new project containing your edited program and logged clips that represent only what is needed for the current edited program. This is a good way to free up disk space. Consult the documentation for detailed information about using Create Log from Program.
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