Welcome to the Unofficial Cinestream User Site. Here you will find information & links on not only CineStream & EditDV, but also on everything to do with digital video editing. This includes CineStream/EditDV Tutorials, tips and tricks, Troubleshooting (not just for Cinestream but I have included links on where to get free help on hardware related problems online), links to online magazines (for news, reviews and info on video gear, hardware and software), links to products that work hand in hand with CineStream, Do It Yourself projects for building handy gear to use with your camera, user gallery (with links to users work online), a wishlist, and various other bits and pieces that a CineStream User might find interesting.

Being that this is a User Site, the only way in which this will continue to grow and evolve is if other users help out with articles, tips, tricks, custom filters they've made, or even just supplying links to interesting things they have found on the Net relating to Digital Video. Please email me any such submissions or even if you just want to add a link to your work on our Gallery page.

Note that this site is not affiliated with Autodesk Discreet, so if you want purchase or product info click here, or if you want Discreet Tech Support click here.


This site is sponsored by FjordLand Entertainment, so please check out Marius' website and see how he uses CineStream professionally.


[ Learning Centre ] [ Troubleshooting ] [ Downloads ] [ Gallery ] [ Wishlist ] [ Links ] [ Email ]


© 2001, No One In Particular, Inc. This site is not affiliated with Autodesk Discreet .
Stealing from this site is prohibited unless you ask nicely.