Below are a selection of links to Software that works very well in conjunction with CineStream, for all manner of applications and uses. If you are looking for the latest official information on the CineStream apllication itself, click here go to the Discreet product page.

3rd Party CineStream Applications & Plugins

(click on the company logo to go to their site)


The Advanced CineStream/EditDV Techniques Tutorial CDROM has various tips and tricks for getting the most out of the effects & filters that come with Cinestream/EditDV. If you want tutorials to help you add a bit of professionalism and wow factor to your videos, check this out.

CatDV is a cross platform application that helps with logging and organising tapes before an edit. It can maintain a thumbnail library of all the footage you capture into CineStream and retains these thumbnails even after the projects Media has gone. It has some nice search tools which work across projects, ...this means that you can do a search for "boat" and it will come back with all the clips you've ever captured that have the word "boat" in their title (or comment box, or tape name, etc). You can also import EDLs & change them into logfiles for importing into CineStream, plus it allows you to share information between Premiere, Finalcut & CineStream as it recognises all these types of log file. Download the free demo of the software and try it out for yourself.

Pixelan make the Video Spice Rack series of plugins which are compatible with CineStream (indeed you will find the LE version of Video Spice Rack on your installer CD that came with CineStream/EditDV). If you want extra transitions this is your best bet as not many 3rd party companies have adopted the Quicktime filters & transitions that CineStream/EditDV use.

Roughcut is a Windows based application much along the same lines as CatDV. You can use it for cataloging, sorting and preparing log files before editing.


As well as making CineStream and other editing packages, Discreet also has Cleaner 5 Pro. The LE version came with CineStream, but the Pro version offers many enhancements, saving to not just to all the usual Net and CD codecs & MPEG1 (to VCD quality) but also to MPEG2 (you have options for upgrading to variable bitrate and also for hardware accelerated compression), plus added advantages such as batch processing. If you want to do a lot of exporting to other formats (such as Net or for CD distribution), Cleaner Pro is the one to go for, of all is that it integrates right into CineStream, you can export straight from a CineStream timeline into Cleaner for compression.


Software That Enhances CineStream Workflow

Adobe are market leaders when it comes to still image manipulation & 2D motion graphics. The software packages of most use to the CineStream user would be the following:


Their Digi001 is a very very cool audio editing package (both hardware and Protools software bundled together). Not sure if it plays nicely with CineStream or not, but if you are into audio recording its worth checking it out. If you want a freebee checkout the Protools Free application on their website (you can either download it for free or pay a nominal fee to get a CD with both PC & Mac versions on it). Definitely worth having a look at if you haven't got an audio editing package, as it allows you to use 48 MIDI tracks and 8 audio tracks with the inbuilt audio hardware on your system (it is basically the same version of the software as ships with Digi001, but with less built in plugins, less audio tracks, less midi tracks, and has been customised for stock standard audio computer hardware).

The inventors of the SHOCKWAVE & FLASH animation formats, and longtime top dogs in the realm of multimedia, they have a number of products of interest to those CineStream users.


3rd Party Hardware For CineStream Users


NOTE: If you use any other software that you think is of use to editors using Cinestream, please send me a note about it (and a webpage link if you can find one) so that I can include them in here.


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