How do I use a video I've cut in EditDV on my webpage?
- First of all you need to export the EditDV program (under the File Menu use "Make Program Movie") or if it is just a single clip make sure you know where it is on your hard drive.
- Next you should use a program to compress the video to a more "internet managable" size (since the DV video that comes out of EditDV is pretty huge at 3.8MB/sec, ...considering most home modems only download at a rate of a few KB/sec!!). If you bought version 1.5 or later of the Mac version of EditDV you can use Media Cleaner Lite that came with that package. Otherwise the cheapest option is to upgrade to Quicktime Pro (from your Apple dealer) and use it to compress the video. There are various other PC and Mac programs around which do this sort of work, so you aren't short of options.
- For information on what compression codec to use and other general compression information visit the Codec Central website.
- Once you have saved the movie as a Quick Time movie (use the .mov file extension) using your editing program. You can use the embed tag to link place the quicktime movie on your webpage. Use the following HTML code for your page, you use the movie file name as the image source. Make sure the file is in the same folder as your other html files. The tag to use is:
<embed src="path/filename" width=160 height=135>
I used this width and height but you can vary it. When the movie is loaded, you can press the play button. You can also play with the settings so that the movie doesn't start until you press the play button, .....otherwise it will start playing as soon as it loads.