How Do I CD Audio into EditDV?

Submitted by Shawn Hamer, Norbert Fuerst & Andrew Shanks

What ways are there to import in CD Audio into EditDV?

method 1:

Importing CD tracks is very easy on a Mac - while in EDV go to "Import" and locate your CD-ROM drive folder, open that up and select the track you want to import. You'll go through a couple of dialogue boxes and if you click on "options", you'll also be able to select just a portion of a CD track and preview right there in the dialogue box. In that same area you can select sampling rates and whether you want it in mono or stereo. The only thing to remember is that you can't import until you've selected a destination ( the "Save As" dialogue box defaults to the CD-ROM folder and so everything is greyed out because you obviously cannot save to the CD-ROM drive...).

NOTE: Version 1.6 (and later) of EditDV for Mac takes advantage of the "Navigation Services" of MacOS 8.5 or later and although this makes navigation much easier, it has a big side effect, import functions formerly provided by QuickTime, such as AIFF import and CD Audio import, are not yet available from these dialogs. To import audio in this way, uncheck "Use Navigation Services if available" in the General Preferences dialog. This will revert the dialog to the traditional, QuickTime-enabled import dialog. You can use this checkbox at will; you need not quit the application after changing the setting. This should be fixed in a future software update from Apple Computer (maybe OS9?).

method 2:

Use a third party audio extractor such as the CD extractor in Adaptecs Toast package (if your using a Mac) or if you are using a Windows system use Audiograbber (which you can find at )

All these are great tools which allow you to grab as fast as the CD drive is able to read data in at.


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