I finally finished that 16mm-to-DV feature I started umpteen years ago, having edited the final cut with EditDV 1.6 on a Mac G3. It's
83 minutes in length, was mostly broken into pieces on a single 17GB drive.
It was shot in 16mm, back in '93-94, and stagnated in the "rough cut" stages for about four years, before DV gear provided me with a low-cost way to finish.
My 16mm negative was telecined to D-1, which was then digitally transfered to DVCAM. A DVCAM final cut was completed, then transfered back to D-1. And then I actually also did a final tape-to-tape last-minute color-correct (D-1 to D-1) to fine-tune the very few things I hadn't already addressed to satisfaction while in DV-land. (BTW it helps to work at a post-production studio...for all this telecine time.)
There's no convert back to film planned. Of course it could be done, but obviously not without cost. I finished to video because I could do so without sacrificing any digital trickery and keep my costs way low. With rampant video projection in festivals these days I don't feel this is too much of a loss.
I am of course open to any "direct to video" distribution deals. Or TV and the like. Nothing lined up quite yet. ;-)
If anyone wants any more info on the project, there's a lot just up on my website: http://www.rzanerutledge.com
Click on "Hell is Texas" and go from there. It's an action-adventure western with a ghost-story twist. Those of you interested in After
Effects and Commotion and do-it-yourself effects might want to check out my "Visual Effects Revealed" section, where I break down several sequences enhanced with digital trickery.
For those with fast Net connections, I've also got the Trailer posted in QuickTime format.
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