What ways are there to convert a frame of motion video into a 5 second still in editDV?
Use the Change Speed control in editDV. To do this put the clip with the still on it that you wish to use, into the timeline (the frame you wish to freeze frame should be the first frame of the clip, the duration of the clip will be the duration of your final freeze frame). Select the clip and choose SPEED from the Sequencer Menu (or if using Mac, hold down OPTION key and double click clip), click on the FREEZE FRAME checkbox at the bottom of the requester, and click OKAY. When you render to the VP track you will have a still that lasts for the duration of the clip you put in the original video layer (so for a 5 sec still you would have had to have cut a 5 sec clip into the timeline, with the first frame being the one you wished to still, then apply the FREEZE in the Speed Control).
You can use any of the techniques for capturing a still frame (listed elsewhere in the tips section of this site), save it to a PICT file and then use the Import option from the file menu in editDV . The import dialog gives the possibility of scaling. The picture gets imported as a 5 sec MOV (or whatever length you specify) into your chosen folder.
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